This is a project my daughter and I completed during the summer of 2010 based on an episode of the Imagination Movers' Disney television show...
We adore Warehouse Mouse and chose to recreate a scene from the episode, "Mouse and Home" as part of a larger project involving several online friends and their kids. The group created over 40 individual Christmas ornaments based on episodes of the Imagination Movers' Disney show. The ornaments eventually made their way to New Orleans and were used at a local children's hospital to decorate a Christmas tree. We were very proud to have participated.
I've always loved getting my hands dirty. We chose to create Mouse mostly from eco-friendly materials. The project was done in stages as the individual layers of paper mache needed time to dry. Altogether it took about 4 weeks to get him to the finished product. I freehand sculpted WHM and his bed from newsprint and a base mache recipe (flour, water, glue), forming the bed over a small box. I covered the bed with felt accents and added his trademark orange fringe created from a feather boa. A little acrylic paint and voila... Warehouse Mouse!
We are planning on making a larger one in the very near future as we *miss* our little buddy!