ARIA by alison is a popular collection of one-of-a-kind vintage-inspired accessories. All of the designs are named after influential operas and famous roles as well as musical theatre characters and songs. And although the line is ever expanding, each piece is still handcrafted by Alison (usually while waiting to go on stage).
The seller accepts payment via PayPal. Item(s) must be paid for within 3 days of purchase.
Orders ship within 7-10 days of payment if item is in stock. For custom orders shipping may vary. The seller uses USPS, with expected delivery of 3-5 business days. For rush shipments, please contact the seller by email at before placing the order to confirm delivery options, including rush orders, delivery confirmation or insurance. International shipping is available.
The minimum requirement for a custom order is $125.00. Feel free to email us directly if you have questions or would like to discuss a one-of-a-kind creation:
ALL custom orders take approximately 1-2 weeks to create. Domestic orders will then be shipped via USPS Priority Mail, International orders via USPS Ground Mail, so please allow additional time for shipping. Once the item{s} are shipped, a tracking number will be e-mailed to the address on file. There are no returns on custom orders.
* If an item is in stock you may exchange only within 7 days for another item in stock.
* Due to specificity of custom orders, NO refunds or exchanges are allowed
Seller charges a standard tax rate,8.5%, based on the buyer's shipping address.
Seller charges a standard tax rate, [8.5%, based on the buyer's shipping address.