Step 1
Using a length of yarn threaded through a tapestry needle, begin on the bottom back of the caned area. You can either leave the ends hanging on the back or knot and trim them off). Weave the yarn through the caning, creating an even pattern using any type of embroidery stitch you wish (backstitch, cross stitch, running stitch). Weave the fabric strips, using the same method. Alternate between weaving with fabric and yarn all the way across the chair back. And that is it! It is a great DIY project for a rainy day or to keep your hands busy while watching TV.
Step 2

This sewing tutorial is excerpted with permission from <a href="">"Wise Craft: Turning Thrift Store Finds, Fabric Scraps, and Natural Objects Into Stuff You Love"</a> by Blair Stocker and published by Running Press.