Thick and soft, felt is available at every craft store or online supplier in a rainbow array of colors and at reasonable prices. Choose two favorite shades to create this custom-made case to keep your precious tablet safe from accidental bangs and scrapes. Although the case has got several layers, it is simple to make and doesn’t involve any complicated turning.
Tablet Case - Free Sewing Pattern
Step 1

- 12 x 20-inch (31 x 51-cm) piece of purple felt
- 9 x 12-inch (23 x 31-cm) piece of gray felt
- 1 1/2 x 3 1/4-inch (4 x 8-cm) scrap of pink felt
- 12 x 23-inch (31 x 59-cm) piece of cotton fabric
- Fusible web
- 12 x 23 inches (31 x 59 cm) thin (2-ounce/60-g) polyester batting
- Two white buttons, 3⁄4 inch (18 mm) in diameter
- 2-foot (60-cm) length of olive green embroidery thread
- Thread to match the purple felt
- Cream thread
- Basic sewing kit
- Paper for the template
- Pencil
- Fabric marking pen
Step 2
To make your templates, draw around your tablet remembering to keep your pencil vertical. Add a 3/8-inch (1-cm) seam allowance all around and ignore any rounded corners. Cut out the template. Draw around the template on a second piece of paper and cut out another rectangle. With the template facing you so that it is wider than it is tall, fold one lower corner up to the top edge, then unfold. Do the same with the other corner and unfold again. The folds on your paper should now show two triangles, one slightly larger than the other. Cut out the larger of the triangles to form the second part of your template and discard the remains of the paper. Trim the point of the triangle where the two equal sides meet to round it off.
Step 3
Using your two-part template and fabric marking pen, cut out the following:
- One triangle and one house-shape piece from the purple felt (use the triangle and rectangle combined to make the house shape) and one rectangle from the gray felt.
- Two pieces of fusible web for both the house and the rectangle shape and a single piece of fusible
web for the triangle shape.
- One rectangle and one house shape from batting and from the cotton lining fabric.
Step 4
Trim off 1/4 inch (6 mm) around the entire edge of the two pieces of batting, so that they are exactly the same shape but slightly smaller than the felt pieces.
Step 5
Iron one of the house-shape pieces of fusible web, glue side down, onto the felt house shape. Iron the other house-shape piece of fusible web onto the house-shape piece of lining fabric. Peel the backing paper off both pieces of fusible web. Sandwich the house-shaped batting between the felt and lining pieces and press in place. You will need to press the piece on both the lining side and the felt side and around the edges to make sure that your “sandwich” is secure.
Repeat step 4 to make the rectangular part of your case.
Step 6
Apply the triangle of fusible web to the triangle of felt and press in place. Peel the backing paper off the triangle and press it onto the felt side of the rectangle. On your sewing machine, work straight stitch around the two equal sides of the triangle 3⁄16 inch (5 mm) from the edge. Then zigzag stitch around these sides between the straight stitching and the raw edge of the triangle.
On your sewing machine, straight stitch across the top of the rectangle, 3/8 inch (1 cm) from the edge. Trim the edge so that there is 3/16 inch (5 mm) of fabric above the stitching. Zigzag stitch along the top of the rectangle between the straight stitching and the raw edge of the rectangle.
Step 7
With wrong sides together and the bottom of the triangle at the lower edge of the house-shape piece, place the rectangle on the house-shape piece. Pin the pieces in place. On your machine, straight stitch around the outer edge, including the pointed part of the house-shape piece, using a 3⁄8-inch (1-cm) seam allowance. Trim the seam allowance to 3⁄16 inch (5 mm). Zigzag stitch around the outer edges of the entire piece between the straight stitches and raw edge.
Step 8
Cut out two circles of pink felt, both slightly larger than your buttons (you can use a larger button as your template or any small round object of the right size). Place the felt circles under the buttons and, using cream thread, sew one button in place on the corner of the top flap and the other onto the main case, so that the felt circle comes just below the corner of the top flap when it is folded down.
Step 9
Find the center of the length of embroidery thread and tie it around the top button, then divide the thread into three groups so there are four strands in each group. Braid the thread. When you are near the end, tie the three groups of thread together and trim the knot. Wrap the braided cord in a figure-eight around the two buttons to secure the case.
Step 10

This how-to is excerpted with permission from "Sew Quick, Sew Cute: 30 Simple, Speedy Projects" by Fiona Goble and published by Adams Media.
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