Go get sneaky like a fox with these adorable paper dolls, which make a great craft for kids! This project is suited for children ages 8 to 12, or younger kids working with adult supervision.
This exclusive project for CraftFoxes readers was created by Marthe Jocelyn, author of the book "Sneaky Art: Crafty Surprises to Hide in Plain Sight" and more than two dozen other books.
- Red cardstock
- Scissors
- Black marker or pen
- White Out
- Small sticks gathered from outside
- Tape
Sneaky Foxes — Paper Dolls for Kids
Step 1

Download and print the free fox pattern. Stack on top of red cardstock or stiff paper and cut around the outline with scissors. The legs can present fiddly cutting for a younger child, so don't be afraid to adapt the design or offer help.
Step 2
With a marker, add black spots for face and ears.
Step 3
Add a quick brush of White Out for neck muff.
Step 4
Tape or glue a red feather in place for the tail.
Step 5
Tape a stick to the back of the fox.
Step 6

This project is courtesy of Marthe Jocelyn, author of "Sneaky Art: Crafty Surprises to Hide in Plain Sight" published by Candlewick. The book is a how-to manual for creating removable and shareable art projects which are custom-created for display in public places — a tiny cork-bottomed boat in a public fountain, a plate of tiny paper cupcakes on your teacher’s desk, a penny left on the ground for a stranger, a funny message left on your mother’s bathroom mirror, and more.
Step 7

Marthe Jocelyn spent her childhood in Toronto reading books and putting on plays and circuses in her backyard. Marthe has a long string of jobs: theatre usher, cookie seller, waitress, photo stylist, even toy designer before she finally settled on writer. She lives in Ontario with her daughters Nell and Hannah but still goes back home to New York often. You can visit her at http://www.marthejocelyn.com.