Step 1
Open a beer from your six-pack and put the rest in the fridge. You need to make space in your box.
Step 2
Decide what you'll be toting around. For larger objects, you may want to remove one or more of the cardboard bottle separators from the inside.
Step 3
Pick a spot for your grommet and use the hole punch to make a hole. Attach the grommet, using the manufacturer’s directions. If you're putting your grommet in an awkward spot, you might want to mark the hole with a pen, gently take apart the box along its glue lines, attach your grommet, then reassemble the box and seal it with hot glue.
Step 4
Stash the ball of yarn in the bottle cubby nearest the grommet, with the end threaded out through the grommet hole.
Step 5
Use the can opener on the inside of a tall boy can to remove the lid. Cover the cut with a piece of electrical tape to keep the can from scraping up your craft tools.
Step 6
Fill the can with art supplies and place in an empty bottle cubby. Repeat with the other tall boy can, placing a pair of scissors in one of the cans, if desired. Place other crafting materials, such as the beer can pincushion, in the remaining cubbies.
Step 7

This craft caddy how-to is excerpted with permission from <a href="">"Beer Crafts: Making the Most of Your Cans, Bottle Caps and Labels"</a> by Shawn Gascoyne-Bowman and published by Andrews McMeel Publishing.