Step 1
Punch out flower shapes in the center of each handmade paper circle.
Step 2
Lay out the circles and the flower shapes in three rows, alternating the shapes as shown in the project photo.
Step 3
Use the hole punch to make small holes in the top of each paper piece, for attaching the string.
Step 4
Cut 1 1/4 " pieces of string and run them through the holes one at a time. Tie off with knots.
Step 5
Position the stick horizontally at the top and tie on all three embellished strings. Since the papers are all about the same size and weight, the mobile should balance.
Step 6
Tie another string at the top, with a knot at each end, and long enough to make a loop for hanging.
Step 7
<b>Mobile Imagination:</b> Find an interesting rod or stick, and use simple shapes to make up your own design. Keep experimenting until you find the right balance.
Step 8

This simple paper mobile project is excerpted with permission from <a href="">"Trash-to-Treasure Papermaking"</a> by Arnold E. Grummer and published by Storey Publishing.