Step 1

1. Print out the templates included on the last step, enlarge them twice in size and cut out paper patterns for the bag, nose, and ears. Fold the fleece fabric in half and pin the bag pattern to it. Cut out. Remove the pins and pattern. You will have two bag shapes. Pin these together, right sides facing. Cut a length of embroidery floss (thread) and tie a knot at one end. Thread the needle. Sew backstitch all the way around the curved edge, leaving the top open. Finish with a knot, and trim the floss. Remove the pins.
Step 2

2. Turn the bag the right way out. Fold over the top edge of the bag to the inside by about 1 ⁄ 2 inch (1 cm) and pin in place. Starting with a knot in colored embroidery floss and working from the inside of the bag, sew running stitch all the way around the top of the bag. Remove the pins as you sew. Finish with a knot inside the bag. Trim the floss.
Step 3

3. Take another piece of embroidery floss and tie a knot at one end. Starting from the inside of the bag, sew running stitch around the curve of the bag. Finish with a knot inside the bag. Trim the floss.
Step 4

4. Pin the paper pattern for the nose onto felt. Cut out. Remove the pins and pattern. Cut a length of floss in the second color, and tie a knot at one end. Thread the needle. Starting and finishing with a knot inside the bag, sew the felt nose onto the center of the bag using running stitch, ensuring you only sew through the front layer of the bag. Trim the floss. Embroider a mouth shape in backstitch in the same color, starting and finishing with a knot inside the bag. Finish with a knot on the inside. Trim floss.
Step 5

5. Pin the pattern for the ear onto a fabric scrap. Cut out two. Remove pins and pattern. Pin the ears to the bag. Starting and finishing with a knot inside the bag, attach the ears with running stitch. Remove pins. Sew buttons on for the eyes. For the handle, cut a 39 inch (100 cm) length of ribbon. Sew each end onto either side of the bag with a few stitches. Make a ribbon bow and sew it onto the bag, making a few stitches in the bag and then sew through the back of the ribbon a few times. Finish with a few small stitches.
Step 6

Print out the templates included on this step, enlarge them twice in size and cut out paper patterns for the bag, nose, and ears.
Step 7

The instructions and photos are excerpted from <a target="_blank" href="">Sewing for Children: 35 Step-by-step Projects to Help Kids Aged 3 and Up Learn to Sew</a>.