These cute, girly slippers make the perfect indoor shoes, and are
deceptively simple to knit. They are worked entirely on straight needles.
To fit average women’s shoe sizes
Length, unstretched: 91/2"
Width, unstretched: 4"
Debbie Bliss Rialto Chunky
Main color: Ruby (015)
Amount: 2 x 13/4 oz (50 g) balls
Knitting Needles & Extras:
Pair of size 10 (6 mm) knitting needles
Pair of size 6 (4 mm) knitting needles, for bows (optional)
Small amount of contrasting double-knittingweight
yarn, for i-cord bows (optional)
Two stitch markers and stitch holder
Two 5/8" wooden buttons
131/2 sts to 4" measured over garter stitch using size 10 (6 mm) needles.
Ruby Red Yarn Ballerina Slippers
Step 1

To make the left slipper:
Using size 10 (6 mm) needles and main color, cast on 61 sts.
Row 1 (RS): K61.
Row 2: K1, M1, k59, M1, k1. (63 sts)
Row 3: Knit.
Row 4: K1, M1, k61, M1, k1. (65 sts)
Work 8 rows in garter st (knit every row).
Row 1 (RS): K26, place marker (pm),
k13, pm, k26.
Rows 2, 4, and 6: Purl, slipping
markers when reached.
Row 3: K24, ssk, slip marker (sm),
k2tog, k9, ssk, sm, k2tog, k24. (61 sts)
Row 5: K23, ssk, sm, k2tog, k5, ssk,
sm, k2tog, k23. (57 sts)
Row 7: K22, ssk, sm, k2tog, k1, ssk,
sm, k2tog, k22. (53 sts)
Row 8: Knit.
M1 increase
Ssk decrease
K2tog decrease
Garter stitch seam
Mattress stitch seam
Whip stitch
Row 9 (RS): K10, bind off next 33
sts, k to end (10 sts now on needle
after bind-off).**
Step 2

Row 1 (WS): K10, cast on 15 sts onto right needle, slip remaining 10 sts onto a stitch holder. (25 sts)
Turn and cont on these 25 sts only.
Row 2: K25.
Row 3 (buttonhole): K23, yo, ssk.
Row 4: K25.
Bind off all 25 sts.
Return to sts on stitch holder and with WS facing, rejoin main color and knit all 10 sts from stitch holder.
Work 3 rows in garter stitch (knit every row).
Bind off.
Step 3

Work as for Left Slipper to **.
Next row (WS): K10, slip remaining 10 sts onto a stitch holder.
Turn and cont on these 10 sts only.
Work 3 rows in garter stitch (knit every row).
Bind off.
Step 4

Row 1 (WS): Using size 10 (6 mm) needles and main color, cast on 15 sts onto right needle, then with same needle and WS facing, knit all 10 sts from stitch holder. (25 sts)
Row 2: K25.
Row 3 (buttonhole): K2tog, yo, k23.
Row 4: K25.
Bind off all 25 sts.
Step 5

To Sew the Seams:
Fold the finished slipper piece in half lengthwise with right sides together, and sew the cast-on edges together with a simple whip stitch. Turn the slipper right side out so the right side is facing you and use a garter stitch seam to sew the garter stitch sole of the heel. Insert the needle into the top loop of the stitch on one side and then in the bottom loop of the corresponding stitch on the other side (1 and 2).
Continue alternating from side to side. When you reach the upper (St st) area of the slipper, switch to mattress stitch to complete the heel seam. Insert the needle under the horizontal bar between the first and second stitches and then under the bar on the corresponding stitch on the other side (3 and 4). Continue alternating from side to side.
To Finish:
Sew a small button onto the outside edge of each slipper to correspond with the buttonhole.
If desired, use size 6 (4 mm) needles and contrasting double-knitting weight yarn to make two 3-stitch i-cords 11" long for bows. Tie in bows and sew one to the
front of each slipper.
Weave in any stray yarn ends.
Step 6

This pattern is excerpted with permission from "Hooked on Knitting: 20 Fresh and Funky Hand-Knit Designs (Simple Makes)" by Jessica Biscoe (Barron's).