Step 1
Place 2 saucers in the freezer. This is to test the setting and consistency of the jam.
Step 2
Place the raspberries in a pan and cook over a gentle heat for 2–3 minutes until the juices are just beginning to run.
Step 3
Add the sugar and lemon juice and stir over a gentle heat for 1–2 minutes until the sugar has dissolved.
Step 4
Increase the heat and bring to a vigorous boil for 10–15 minutes.
Step 5
Turn the heat down, add the rose essence and leave to simmer for 10 minutes.
Step 6
Remove the pan from the heat and test the jam by dabbing a little onto one of the cooled saucers. Leave to cool for a few seconds, then push the jam with your fingertip. If it wrinkles, the jam is set and ready. If not, boil for a further 5 minutes then test again.
Step 7
When the setting point is reached carefully spoon the jam into sterilized jam jars and leave to cool. When cool, pop on the lids. The jam will keep for up to 3 weeks.
Step 8

This raspberry rose jam recipe is excerpted with permission from <a href="">"Style Me Vintage: Tea Parties: A Guide to Hosting Perfect Vintage Events"</a> by Betty Blythe and published by Pavilion.