Step 1
Place the two rectangles of polkadot fabric together, right sides facing each other, and make a 3.5 cm line of stitching at the top and bottom of one long side, 5 mm from the edge, leaving an 8.5 cm opening in the middle. Press the seam open along the length, including the opening edges. Baste a piece of red ribbon along each side of the opening, then stitch the ribbon in place as basted.
Step 2
Place the piece of linen backing on the polka-dot front, right sides together and raw edges matching, then stitch all around, allowing a 1-cm seam. Turn right side out and press.
Step 3
Sew a line of running stitch all around the fabric circle, 1.5 cm from the edge, to make a gathering thread. Fold the edge in 1.5 cm and pull up the thread to make a yo-yo, 3 cm in diameter.
Step 4
Tie the remaining red ribbon into a decorative bow and sew it to the top of the case at one end of the opening, then stitch the yo-yo on top.
Step 5

This project is excerpted with permission from <a href="">Everything Patchwork: 40 Classic Quilts, Bags and Accessories (Made in France)</a> by Corinne Crasbercu and published by Murdoch Books.