Step 2

Use your crafting knife or (very precise) scissors to cut out the feather template you printed onto cardstock. Once you have your template, trace it onto the underside of your scrap paper and cut it out. Make another feather cut-out so you have two. Take some of your 24 gauge wire and bend it so it's shaped like the feather quill. Use your wire cutters so that the wire "quill" is about an inch longer than the feather. You'll be using your round nose pliers to attach it to the chain in a moment.
Step 3

Feed the wire through the chain. Use your round nose pliers to make a loop and wrap with the chain inside the loop. Cut excess wire. Repeat on other end so you have one length of wire attached to an uninterrupted chain. If you're unfamiliar with the technique, check out YouTube for free wire-wrapping tutorials. It's super easy, I promise!
Step 4

Here's the part that requires a smidge of patience. Paint on a thin layer of your sealant so you can press together the two feather templates you made out of your scrap paper with the wire "quill" between them. Use a gentle but firm touch to press the feathers together. And then, hands off! Let the feather dry for a few minutes. Don't worry if your layers are a little uneven. You can trim them with your scissors once the paper is dry. Wait until it's <i>totally</i> dry if you're using a crafting knife. Once the piece is dry and you've trimmed the edges to align, paint on a layer of your sealant on the exterior of the feather. Let each layer dry completely before painting on another coat. Be sure to apply at least two layers of your sealant to both sides of your feather. I haven't attempted to use a spray sealant on this design, and due to the proximity of the chain, I wouldn't recommend it.
Step 5

If your necklace requires a clasp, decide whether you want to buy findings and attach them with wire (there's an easy tutorial for that <a href="">right here</a> courtesy of <a href="">empirebeads</a>) or make your own easy hook and eye clasp (<a href="">tutorial here</a>, courtesy of <a href="">Beadaholique</a>). If you decide to do the latter, use 20 gauge wire and hammer it for added durability. And now, you're done!