Step 1
Draw several circular shapes on your paper with a compass or by tracing round objects. Make circles within other circles. Make a few circles that overlap. Use the ruler to divide your shapes into smaller sections.
Step 2
Begin by painting several areas throughout your design with the bright, bold primary colors — red, yellow, and blue. Repeating colors throughout your painting will create a sense of balance and unity.
Step 3
Choose a secondary color, and repeat it in a few places throughout your painting. Using this color next to its color complement will create an appealing effect.
Step 4
Continue painting with the remaining secondary colors. Using the color wheel featured above, create intermediate colors by mixing a primary color with a neighboring secondary color. Create lighter and darker colors by mixing in either a little black or white paint.
Step 5
This painting craft for kids is excerpted with permission from <a href="">"Making Amazing Art: 40 Activities Using the 7 Elements of Art Design"</a> by Sandi Henry, published by Ideals Publishing.