Step 1

The model pictured is a size A (size 8) and wears the size A garment. This is a unisex pattern. For more details about sizing and the required materials, expand the image to the left and read the chart. NEEDLES 1 pair 4.00mm (USA 6) (UK 8) 1 pair 4.50mm (USA 7) (UK 7) 1 set 3.75mm circular needles (USA 5) (UK 9) TENSION 19.5 sts and 26 rows measured over 10cm (approx 4”) of Stocking Stitch using 4.50mm needles.
Step 2

FRONT Using main colour and 4.00mm needles, cast on 110(120,130,140)sts. ROW 1 (RS) K2, *P2, K2; rep from * to end. ROW 2 (WS) P2, *K2, P2; rep from * to end. These 2 rows form K2, P2 rib patt. Repeat rows 1 & 2, 6 times (14 rows in all). Change to 4.50mm needles and Col 2 and work 12 rows, change to Col 1 and work a further 12 rows. Continue in stripe pattern until 122 rows (including band) are completed. Change back to Col 1 and cont until work (including band) measures 60(61,62,65)cm and ending on a WS row. SHAPE LEFT NECK Work 44(49,53,58)sts, turn and leave rem 66(71,77,82)sts on a holder. Work each side of neck separately. Cast off 3 sts at beg of next row, then 3 sts at neck edge on foll alt rows, 3 times. Then dec 1 st at beg of next alt row. SHAPE LEFT SHOULDER (RS) Cast off 10(12,13,14)sts at beg of next and foll alt row. Work 1 row. Cast off rem 11(12,14,17)sts. SHAPE RIGHT NECK With RS facing, leave 22(22,24,24)sts on holder, rejoin yarn to rem sts, cast off 3 sts, then 3 sts at neck edge on foll alt rows, 3 times. Then dec 1 st at beg of next alt row. SHAPE RIGHT SHOULDER (WS) Cast off 10(12,13,14)sts at beg of next row and foll alt row. Work 1 row. Cast off rem 11(12,14,17)sts.
Step 3
BACK Work back to match front, incorporating shoulder shaping on the last 6 rows as follows; (RS) Cast off 10(12,13,14)sts at beg of next 4 rows, then 11(12,14,16)sts at beg of next 2 rows. Cast off rem 48(48,50,52)sts.
Step 4
SLEEVES It is advised, when knitting this unisex garment for a man in size A, B, C or D, to use size C or D sleeve. Using 4.00mm needles and Col 1, cast on 60(60,70,70)sts and work 14(14,16,16) rows K2, P2, rib. Change to 4.50mm needles and Col 2 and work 12 rows st st. SHAPE SLEEVE Cont in stocking stitch and 12 row stripe pattern to match bodice AT THE SAME TIME inc 1 st at each end of next row 56(61,72)cm then every foll 3rd row 13 times, then every foll 3rd(3rd,5th,5th)row, 4 times [96(96,106,106)sts] [78(78,88,88)rows, including band]. Work a further 42(42,44,44) rows without shaping, or until length desired. Cast off.
Step 5
MAKING UP Press all pieces, except ribbing, gently on WS using a warm iron over a damp cloth. Using Backstitch, join shoulder seams. Centre sleeves and join, join side and sleeve seams using Edge to Edge stitch on ribs. NECKBAND With RS facing, using Col 1 and 3.75mm circular needles, pick up and k25 sts down left side front neck, 22(22,26,26) sts from st holder at centre front, 25 sts up right side front neck and 48(48,48,48)sts across back neck [120(120,124,124)sts]. ROUND 1 *K1, p1; rep from * to end. Continue in rounds as set until neck band measures 6 cm, cast off in rib. Press seams.
Step 6

Excerpted with permission from <a href="">Knit (Wp Craft)</a> by Jo Sharp.