Step 1
Instruction Notes: Stitch counts appear in {brackets} at the ends of rows. Turning ch-3 counts as a dc at beginning of all dc rows. Turning ch-1 does NOT count as a sc at beginning of all sc rows. If necessary, mark first stitch of each row. Scarf can be made longer or shorter by modifying number of ch in foundation. Add or subtract 3 ch per inch of modification desired. TIP: To count large numbers of chain stitches accurately, place a stitch marker every 25 stitches or so. Remove the markers as Row 1 is worked.
Step 2
Foundation: With larger hook and color A, chain {ch 151}. Row 1: Change to smaller hook, sc in bottom bump of 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. In last stitch, change to color B {150 sc} Row 2: With B, ch 3 (in addition to loop that created color change), counting turning ch as first stitch, dc in each stitch across. {150 dc} Row 3: Ch 3, dc in each stitch across, changing to A in last stitch. Be sure not to pull too tightly on A in the color change. Leave sufficient yarn for the “carry” to lie flat across the ends of the rows without curling the piece as it’s worked. {150 dc}
Step 3
TIP To change colors in a dc stitch, begin with the old color. Yo and insert hook into designated stitch, yo and draw up a loop (3 loops on hook). Yo and pull through 2 loops (2 loops remain on hook). Yo with new color and pull through both loops on hook. In a striped project, such as this one, DON’T cut the first color! Let it hang until it’s needed again in a few rows. At that time, simply pick it up with the hook when ready to “yo with new color.” TIP Attaching a new ball of yarn—At some point in the project, the first ball of color B is likely to be used up. When this happens, attach the new yarn just as if it were a new color: with 6" (15 cm) or so of the old yarn remaining, work the first half of the next stitch. Finish the stitch by doing the final “yo and pull through” with the new yarn. The two yarn tails can be temporarily tied together in a bow, and woven in during finishing of the project.
Step 4
Row 4: With color A, ch 1, sc in each st across, ch 1. Turn. {150 sc} Row 5: Sc in each st across. In last stitch, change to color B. Rows 6 and 7: Repeat Rows 2 and 3. Rows 8 and 9: Repeat Rows 4 and 5. Rows 10 and 11: Repeat Rows 2 and 3. Row 12: Repeat Row 4. At end of Row 12, fasten off color B.
Step 5
Looped Chain Fringe Row 1: With color A, ch 1, rotate piece to work in row ends, sc in each sc row end and 2 sc in each dc row end (work over the strands of yarn carried from one stripe to another, to hide them). Fasten off color A. At opposite end of scarf, attach color A and repeat this row. {18 sc at each end of scarf} Row 2: Sc in first st of Row 1, *ch 24, sc in next st; repeat from * across. Fasten off. Repeat at other end of scarf. {17 loops}
Step 6
Finishing Use large-eyed yarn needle to weave in all ends securely.
Step 7
This scarf crochet pattern is excerpted with permission from <a href="">"First Time Crochet: The Absolute Beginner's Guide: There's a First Time For Everything"</a> by Deborah Burger (Creative Publishing International).