Step 2

Line up the ends of all three cords and make a braided loop for the button bead closure. Make sure the loop is slightly larger than the disc button bead—in this case, the loop should be about 3/8 in (8–10mm). Trim any excess thread.
Step 3

Take the other ends of the cords and dab the tips with thread glue or clear nail polish. Leave the glue to dry. The stiffened, glued ends will make it easier to thread the beads onto the cords and prevent the ends from fraying.
Step 4

Once the glue has dried, secure the cords to the clipboard by taping down the button loop.
Step 5

Using the three-stranded braid technique (see pp.14–15), make a tight braid about 1 1/2 in (4cm) long, then tie an overhand knot with all three cords.
Step 7

Once all the beads have been strung on, evenly space them apart on each cord, with about 1/4 in (6 mm) between each bead. The distance from the first bead to the last should be roughly 2 1/2 to 3 in (5 to 7.5 cm).
Step 8

Loosely braid the beaded strands until you come to the last bead. Tie an overhand knot with all three cords.
Step 9

Braid the rest of the cords another 1 1/2 in (4 cm), as in Step 5, and finish by tying another overhand knot.
Step 10

Thread on the disc button bead for the closure. Knot it, trim away excess strands, and dab thread glue or clear nail polish on the knot to secure it and prevent it from coming undone.
Step 11

This bracelet pattern is excerpted with permission from <a href="">"Artful Handmade Wrap Bracelets: A Complete Guide to Creating Sophisticated Braided Jewelry Incorporating Precious Metals and Stones"</a> by Di Kim and published by Race Point Publishing.