Step 1

Materials Pine board: 1" x 12" (2.5cm x 30.5cm), cut to 11" (28cm) long and stained (Shown: Minwax Wood Finish in Weathered Oak) 3/4" (1.9cm) copper weather-stripping nails Embroidery floss in 1 color (Shown: DMC 947/Burnt Orange) Photocopy of pattern (page 68) Picture-hanging hardware 2 felt furniture pads Tools: Hammer, needle-nose pliers Basic supplies: Superglue, scissors, transparent tape Finished Size (h x w) 11.5" x 11" (29cm x 28cm) To begin, trim your pattern from the paper and position your fox on the board. Secure the pattern with tape.
Step 2
Hammer your nails through the pattern everywhere there is a black dot. For the nails inside the shape of the fox, you can follow the marks on the pattern or do your own. When we do the string later, we will be drawing angular shapes, so you have a lot of design freedom in this step. Remove the pattern and debris.
Step 3
Tie on (sealing your knot) and begin the outline of the fox. Now that the overall shape is clear, start filling the fox with polygon shapes. This is where you can have a lot of fun. Stretch across the shape, connecting nails to “draw” triangles, rectangles, and other angular shapes. The interior nails come in handy here. You can overlap shapes, adding more or less as you think it needs. If you don’t feel comfortable in this step, refer to the pattern shown and connect the nails as I have suggested. Remember, on a pattern, the lines represent string. Be sure to seal all your knots.
Step 4
Decide whether or not you will add the double-wrap technique, as shown in the photo.
Step 5

Add your picture-hanging hardware and felt pads to the back side. Sign and date your work, then step back and admire the awesome angles of your geometric fox.
Step 6

This project is excerpted with permission from <a href="">DIY String Art: 24 Designs to Create and Hang</a> by Jesse Dresbach.