Step 1
Body: Beg at neck using the thumb method and A, cast on 20 sts. First and foll 3 alt rows (WS): Purl. Inc row: *K2, (m1, k2) 4 times; rep from * once (28 sts). Inc row: *K4, (m1, k2) 4 times, k2; rep from * once (36 sts). Inc row: *K6, (m1, k2) 4 times, k4; rep from * once (44 sts). Inc row: *K8, (m1, k2) 4 times, k6; rep from * once (52 sts). Beg with a purl row, work in St st for 29 rows. Dec row: *K8, (k2tog) twice, k2, (k2tog) twice, k8; rep from * once (44 sts). Next and foll 2 alt rows: Purl. Dec row: *K6, (k2tog) twice, k2, (k2tog) twice, k6; rep from * once (36 sts). Dec row: *K4, (k2tog) twice, k2, (k2tog) twice, k4; rep from * once (28 sts). Dec row: *K2, (k2tog) twice, k2, (k2tog) twice, k2; rep from * once (20 sts). Purl 1 row. Bind off.
Step 2
Feet (make 4 pieces): Using the thumb method and E, cast on 8 sts. Purl 1 row. Inc row (RS): K1, (m1, k2) to last st, m1, k1 (12 sts). Beg with a purl row, work in St st for 3 rows. **Shape toes Next row: K4, turn and work on these 4 sts. Beg with a purl row, work in St st for 3 rows. Dec row: K1, k2tog, k1 (3 sts). Thread yarn through rem sts, pull tight and secure.** With RS facing, rejoin yarn to sts on needle and rep from ** to ** twice.
Step 3

Tail (make 2 pieces): Beg at lower edge using the thumb method and A, cast on 12 sts. Purl 1 row. Join on and break off colors as required. Work next 7 rows in A as foll: Row 1 (RS): (Inc 1) to end (24 sts). Row 2: Purl. Row 3: Knit. Row 4: Purl. Row 5: *K1, (inc 1) twice, k1; rep from * 5 times more (36 sts). Row 6: Purl. Row 7: Knit. Work next 8 rows in B as foll: Row 8: Purl. Row 9: *K2, (inc 1) twice, k2; rep from * 5 times more (48 sts). Row 10: Purl. Row 11: Knit. Row 12: Purl. Row 13: *K3, (inc 1) twice, k3; rep from * 5 times more (60 sts). Row 14: Purl. Row 15: Knit. Work next 2 rows in A as foll: Row 16: Purl. Row 17: *K4, (inc 1) twice, k4; rep from * 5 times more (72 sts). Work next 5 rows in C as foll: Row 18: Purl. Row 19: Knit. Row 20: Purl. Row 21: *K5, (inc 1) twice, k5; rep from * 5 times more (84 sts). Row 22: Purl. Bind off loosely.
Step 4

Neck and head: Beg at lower edge using the thumb method and A, cast on 10 sts. First and foll alt row (WS): Purl. Inc row: K1, (m1, k1) to end (19 sts). Inc row: K1, (m1, k2) to end (28 sts). Beg with a purl row, work in St st for 7 rows. Work in garter st for 2 rows. Change to D and beg with a knit row, work in St st for 2 rows. Shape next row: K2, m1, k9, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k9, m1, k2. Beg with a purl row, work in St st for 15 rows. Shape top of head Dec row: (K2, k2tog) to end (21 sts). Next and foll alt row: Purl. Dec row: (K1, k2tog) to end (14 sts). Dec row: (K2tog) to end (7 sts). Thread yarn through sts on needle, pull tight, and secure.
Step 5
Wings (make 2): Using the thumb method and A, cast on 16 sts. Purl 1 row. Inc row (RS): K1, (m1, k2) to last st, m1, k1 (24 sts). Beg with a purl row, work in St st for 5 rows. Dec row: K2tog, k to last 2 sts, k2tog. Next row: Purl. Rep last 2 rows 5 times more (12 sts). Dec row: (K2tog) to end (6 sts). Thread yarn through sts on needle, pull tight, and secure.
Step 6
Beak: Using the thumb method and F, cast on 8 sts. Purl 1 row. Dec row (RS): (K2tog) to end (4 sts). Thread yarn through sts on needle, pull tight, and secure.
Step 7
Eye pieces (make 2): Beg at top edge using the thumb method and E, cast on 4 sts. Purl 1 row. Inc row (RS): K1, m1, k2, m1, k1 (6 sts). Beg with a purl row, work in St st for 3 rows. Dec row: K1, (k2tog) twice, k1 (4 sts). Beg with a purl row, work in St st for 3 rows. Thread yarn through sts on needle, pull tight and secure.
Step 8
Wattle: Beg at top edge using the thumb method and G, cast on 10 sts. Beg with a purl row, work in St st for 5 rows. Dec row: K1, (k2tog, k1) to end (7 sts). Thread yarn through sts on needle, pull tight, and secure.
Step 9

ASSEMBLY: Body: Join row ends of body leaving a gap. With this seam at center of under side, join cast-on and bound-off stitches. Stuff body and close gap. Feet: Place 2 pieces of feet together matching all edges and oversew on right side around toes. Stuff toes, pushing stuffing into toes with tweezers or tip of scissors. Stuff feet and join cast-on stitches. Place Turkey on a flat surface. Pin feet to body. Sew in place. Tail: Place 2 pieces of tail together, matching all edges and join bound-off stitches. Lightly stuff keeping tail flat. Pin and sew lower edge of tail to body all the way around. Neck and head: Gather cast-on stitches of neck, pull tight, and secure. Join row ends of head and neck leaving a gap, stuff, and close gap. Sew black part of neck to body at center front. Wings: Fold cast-on stitches of wings in half and oversew. Join row ends of wings on right side. Pin wings to sides of Turkey and sew cast-on edge and approx 2” (5 cm) down shaped side to body. Beak: Join row ends of beak and sew beak to head all the way around. Eye pieces: Place eye pieces either side of beak and sew in place around outside edge. Wattle: Join row ends of wattle and with this seam at center back, sew wattle beneath beak. Features: To make eyes, tie 2 knots in 2 lengths of black yarn, winding the yarn around 6 times to make each knot (see page 120). Tie eyes to eye pieces at either side of beak and weave ends into head.
Step 10

Excerpted from <a href="">"Knitted Farm Animals: 15 Irresistible, Easy-to-Knit Friends"</a> by Sarah Keen and published by Potter Craft.