Step 2
The dough should be slightly sticky to the touch, but, not too sticky. Add more flour if needed.
Step 3
Pour half of mixture out onto floured surface. Roll 1/16 inch thick. Be aware that they will plump up 2x their thickness when cooked. *I use this wonderful device on my rolling pin, Rolling Hills Rolling Pin Rings from They cost less than $7 (so worth it). The rings are for standard rolling pins and do not work well on French rolling pins.
Step 4
Cut noodles 1/4 to 1/2 inch width, which ever thickness you want (it's not an exact science). A Zyliss pizza wheel works really great for this step.
Step 5

Cook 10 minutes in salted water, chicken stock or the way I did, directly in my pot of Turkey Wild Rice & Mushroom Soup. (I cooked in small batches using a straining tool.) Remove and drain. The noodles are ready to add to soup, stroganoff or to be eaten all by themselves.