Step 1

Start a <a href="">Keyhole Key Chain</a>. Finish the straight section after 2 inches. For the cross-arm, take 20 inches of each of the two colors already used, and start stitching the same stitch used for the main body of the Ankh. After nine stitches, run two strands over and two under the straight section.
Step 2

Close with a stitch on the other side. Slide the cross-arm near to the loop and tighten. Continue with eight more stitches, finish, and cut the ends close.
Step 3

Adapted from <a href="">"Plastic Lace Crafts for Beginners: Groovy Gimp, Super Scoubidou, and Beast Boondoggle"</a> by David Hall, David Kominz and Phyliss Damon-Kominz and published by Design Originals.