Step 1
Make six heart motifs in different colours like this. - Make a slip knot, leaving a long tail of yarn (about 30 cm [12 inches]). Put your slip knot onto your crochet hook and pull it fi rmly (but not tightly). - Chain 5 stitches. Slip stitch into the very first stitch to form a ring. We are going to crochet into this ring in a minute! - Chain 3. - Now treble [double crochet] 10 times into the ring. - We’ve almost made a round, but not quite. We aren’t going to close this almost-round, either. The missing wedge at the top helps to form the heart shape. - Fasten off to finish the heart and then snip your loose yarn, leaving a 30 cm [12 inch] tail. Pull the heart into shape, giving the bottom a tug to make it pointier! Make your other five hearts in the same way, leaving those all-important long tails. The tails will help us to stitch the hearts into formation once we are ready.
Step 2
Sew your hearts together. Arrange your hearts in formation, so that they resemble our photo. Take your first heart in your hand. Thread the uppermost yarn tail of this heart through your yarn needle. Carefully stitch each heart to the next with 3 or 4 well-hidden stitches, then weave the needle through the stitches of your heart to conceal some of the excess tail. Snip the tail off very close to your work. Repeat with the other hearts and tails, stitching them together and weaving in any loose ends.
Step 3

Attach your jump rings and chain. Use the pliers to open up the jump rings and carefully hook them evenly onto each side of the crocheted piece. Thread the chain onto each jump ring. Now use the pliers to close them up again. Ta-dah! You made a necklace! <b>Variations:</b> Add one more treble [double crochet] to each motif to form a round and then slip stitch to close, then you can make this necklace from cute circles, instead of hearts! Make lots more hearts and stitch them together to form a scarf or a bracelet!
Step 4

This crochet necklace project is excerpted with permission from <a href="">"Make Hey! While the Sun Shines: 25 Crafty Projects and Recipes"</a> by Pip Lincolne and published by Hardie Grant Books.