The instruction for Chain stitch (also known as Tambour) was excerpted with permission from Encyclopedia of Classic & Vintage Stitches: 245 Illustrated Embroidery Stitches for Cross Stitch, Crewel, Beadwork, Needlelace, Stumpwork, and More.
Chain Embroidery Stitch (also known as Tambour)
Step 1
A flexible stitch, this is made up of a series of interlinked loops. It is useful for lettering and spirals as well as for outlines. Bring the needle up at A.
Loop the thread from left to right and anchor it with a thumb.
Insert the needle at A again and bring the point up at B, over the loop. Pull the thread through gently to make the first loop. Insert the needle at B again, inside the first loop, and repeat the sequence. Secure the final loop with a small straight stitch.
Step 2

The instruction for Chain stitch (also known as Tambour) was excerpted with permission from Encyclopedia of Classic & Vintage Stitches: 245 Illustrated Embroidery Stitches for Cross Stitch, Crewel, Beadwork, Needlelace, Stumpwork, and More.