Step 1
<b>Body:</b> Cast on 84 (96, 108, 120, 132) sts, pm, join to work in rnd, being careful not to twist sts. Work (k2, p2) ribbing for 3/4 (1, 1, 1-1/4, 1-1/4)" [2 (2.5, 2.5, 3, 3) cm]. Rnd 1–3: (K2, p3, k4, p3) around. Rnd 4: (K2, p3, c4f, p3) around. Rep Rnds 1–4 until piece measures 4 (4-1/2, 5-1/4, 6, 7)" [10 (11.5, 13.5, 15, 18) cm] from cast-on edge, ending with a Rnd 4. <i>Decreasing</i> Rnd 1: (K2, p2tog, p1, k4, p1, p2tog) around. [70 (80, 90, 100, 110) sts] Rnd 2: Knit the knits and purl the purls. Rnd 3: (K2, p2tog, k4, p2tog) around. [56 (64, 72, 80, 88) sts] Rnd 4: (K2, p1, c4f, p1) around. Rnd 5: (K2tog, p1, k4, p1) around. [49 (56, 63, 70, 77) sts] Rnd 6: (P2tog, k4, p1) around. [42 (48, 54, 60, 66) sts] Rnd 7: (P1, k4, p1) around to last st. This st will be the first st on the next rnd. Rnd 8: (P2tog, c4f) around. [35 (40, 45, 50, 55) sts] Rnd 9: (P1, k2tog twice) around. [21 (24, 27, 30, 33) sts] Rnd 10: (P1, k2tog) around. [14 (16, 18, 20, 22) sts] Rnd 11: K2tog around. [7 (8, 9, 10, 11) sts] Cut yarn and thread tail through remaining sts. Pull tight and weave in ends on inside of hat. <i>Need help with this unique cast-on method? Check out <a href="">this video</a> which demonstrates.</i>
Step 2
<b>Ears (make 2):</b> With one dpn, cast on 6 sts. Turn work so sts are on top of needle. With 2nd dpn, cast on 5 sts between original six. It may be easier to use a small crochet hook to pull up the yarn between the sts. (11 sts) <i> Use <a href="">this video</a> to watch a demo of the ear-making process.</i>
Step 3
Begin working in the round using a total of 3 needles. Rnd 1: K. Rnd 2: Needle 1: K1, m1R, k4, m1L, k1. Needle 2: K1, m1R, k3, m1L, k1. (15 sts) Rnd 3: K. Rnd 4: Needle 1: K1, m1R, k6, m1L, k1. Needle 2: K1, m1R, k5, m1L, k1. (19 sts) Rnd 5: K. <i>Newborn Size Only:</i> Rnd 6: K. Rnd 7: Needle 1: K1, ssk, k1, ssk, k1, k2tog, k1. Needle 2: K1, ssk, k3, k2tog, k1. (14 sts) <i>Sizes 0–6 Months and 6–12 Months Only:</i> Rnd 6: Needle 1: K1, m1R, k8, m1L, k1. Needle 2: K1, m1R, k7, m1L, k1. (23 sts) Rnds 7 and 8: K. Rnd 9: Needle 1: K1, ssk, k2, ssk, k2, k2tog, k1. Needle 2: K1, ssk, k5, k2tog, k1. (18 sts) <i>Size Toddler/Child Small and Child Large/Adult Small Only:</i> Rnd 6: Needle 1: K1, m1R, k8, m1L, k1. Needle 2: K1, m1R, k7, m1L, k1. (23 sts) Rnd 7: K. Rnd 8: Needle 1: K1, m1R, k10, m1L, k1. Needle 2: K1, m1R, k9, m1L, k1. (27 sts) Rnds 9 and 10: K. Rnd 11: Needle 1: K1, ssk, k3, ssk, k3, k2tog, k1. Needle 2: K1, ssk, k7, k2tog, k1. (22 sts)
Step 4
<b>All Sizes:</b> Bind off using 3-needle bind-off method. Note: Keep moving cast-on tail out of the way, then once bind off is complete, use it to tighten up the last loose stitch and weave it into the inside of the ear. Cut yarn, leaving an 8–10" (20.5–25.5 cm) tail. Using yarn needle and whipstitch method, attach ears on either side approx 1 (1-1/4, 1-3/4, 1-3/4, 2)" [2.5 (3, 4.5, 4.5, 5) cm] from top center of Hat.
Step 5

<b>Optional Bows:</b> Cut two 4" (10 cm) strips of ribbon. Tie into bows. Use needle and thread to attach to ears.
Step 6

This knitting pattern is excerpted with permission from <a href="">"Knitting 2013 Day-to-Day Calendar,"</a> published by Accord Publishing, a division of Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC. Pattern designed by Marinda Lariz of <a href="">Knitsy Girl</a> and <a href="">.