This necklace and bracelet duo designed by Alicia Carr is a conversation piece. Made with a French knitter (a jewelry tool that combines beads with string or cord), it has a stunning color combination, a removable butterfly pendant, and an easy-to-wear length.
- Assorted turquoise and gold beads for both pieces
- Glitter thread
- Monofilament
- 2 crimp beads
- Ring and lobster claw clasp
- 2 jump rings
- Glitter thread
- Monofilament
- 1 head pin (or stringing wire)
Butterfly Necklace and Bracelet
Step 1
For Necklace:
- Length: 20" (510mm)
- 5-peg head
- Method B single stitch
Pre-string 785 assorted beads onto the glitter thread and monofilament together. Note: For this project, Alicia found the glitter thread often broke during knitting, but did not want to give up the color and texture the thread added. By incorporating the monofilament, she reinforced her knitting and kept the thread from breaking.
Add a bead between each peg on every row until you reach your desired length. The 785 beads will give you a 20" (510mm) necklace.
Thread end through crimp bead and jump ring, then back through crimp bead. Crimp bead with pliers. Add a drop of clear-drying glue just below the crimped bead and hide the end down the center of the necklace. Twist open jump ring, insert lobster claw clasp, and twist jump ring closed.
The butterfly is a purchased pendant with a hole in the wing. To make this a removable pin, Alicia glued a gold bead over the hole and hot glued a pin back to the back of the butterfly. The necklace can be worn with or without the pendant (pin), and the pin can be placed anywhere you choose on the necklace.
Step 2
For Bracelet:
- Length: 9 1/2" (240mm)
- 5-peg head
- Method B single stitch
Pre-string 385 assorted beads onto the glitter thread and monofilament together.
Add a bead between each peg on every round.
Join the bracelet by weaving both ends together. Tie off using a surgeon’s knot, and add a small amount of clear, quick-drying glue to the knot with a toothpick.
To create the bead dangle, use a strong bead stringing wire and string beads as shown. Attach the dangle to the bracelet by running the wire through the bracelet and back down through the beads. Cut off excess wire.
Step 3

This how-to is excerpted with permission from "Making Jewelry with a French Knitter: The Easy Way to Make Beautiful Beaded Accessories" by Carol Porter, published by Design Originals.