Big Woolies Crochet Sock Edging

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Embellish a pair of socks with crochet edging. You can use any pattern you wish, but here's the one I used on mine.

Step 1

I used a 2mm hook and some of my new fave vintage cotton yarn called Coquette by Susan Crawford. It's such a wonderful yarn to crochet with.

I simply inserted my hook along the stitches at the top of the sock and made some single crochets for a couple of rows.

After I joined the third row, I made one sc, then chained 5 while skipping 3 sts. Then I did 3 sc in the next 3 sts and repeated all that from the ch 5 to the end. On the next row, I did one sc after joining the 7dc in the ch3 loop from the previous row. Then I chained 1, sc in the 2nd st of the three sc from the previous row and then another ch 1, and repeating all that to the end of the row.

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  • by my.2.cents
    User profile

    This is so messed up. Where all of a sudden did 7 DC in ch-3 space come from? I urge you to follow these instructions. I've crocheted all my life and can pretty much figure the design out. However, reading these instructions are impossible. Thanks for this opportunity to let you know that you must have left off a row.

  • by
    User profile

    This would be really nice on mittens or gloves too. Make a great gift!