Step 1

Makes 12 cookies 12 round sandwich cookies 12 lollipops 4 ounces pink or blue candy coating 12 ounces yellow candy coating 12 baby-themed sugar decorations White candy writer 144 white sugar pearls
Step 2
1. Twist open the sandwich cookies, scrape out the filling and lay them on a baking sheet lined with waxed or parchment paper.
Step 3
2. Lay the stick end of a lollipop onto a cookie. Repeat with the remaining cookies and lollipops.
Step 4
3. Prepare the pink or blue candy coating according to package directions. One cookie at a time, place approximately 1 to 2 teaspoons of candy coating over the lollipop stick and filling of the sandwich cookie, then immediately set the other half of the cookie on top, putting the sandwich cookie back together with the stick inside. Repeat with the remaining cookies. Allow to set for 30 minutes.
Step 5
4. Prepare the yellow candy coating according to package directions. Dip the cookie portion of a rattle into the yellow candy coating.
Step 6
5. Place the cookie rattle onto waxed paper, and place a sugar decoration on the top of the cookie before the candy coating has a chance to set. Repeat with the remaining cookies.
Step 7
6. Once the candy coating is set and dry to the touch, prepare the candy writer according to package directions. Use the candy writer to create twelve dots of candy coating all around the edge of the front of a cookie, and immediately place a sugar pearl on each candy-coating dot.
Step 8
7. Repeat with the remaining rattles. Let set until the candy coating is dry and all pearls are firmly attached to the cookies.
Step 9
Smart Cookie Tip: To decorate my rattles, I used fun, baby-themed sugar decorations, which can be found in baking aisles, craft stores, and party supply stores. You certainly aren’t limited to using these to decorate your rattles; sprinkles and candies work wonderfully as well. It’s easier to work with these cookies if you leave the wrappers on the lollipops, taking the wrappers off just before displaying the cookies. Excerpted with permission from <a href="">Smart Cookie: Transform Store-Bought Cookies Into Amazing Treats</a>