Make a backsplash with your leftover doodads, beads and bottle caps! Watch the video tutorial here: <a href=""></a>
Step 1

YOU'LL NEED 1/4" thick plywood Jigsaw Grout E-6000 Glue Beads, dominos, gems, bottle caps, tiles, small mirrors, seashells
Step 2

Cut out the shape of your backsplash in the 1/4" plywood and sand the edges Create your design using all of your doodads
Step 3

Glue everything in place with E-6000 glue and let dry overnight Cover the entire backsplash in group and with a damp sponge, remove the grout to expose the glue on pieces *Make sure to really clean the pieces before the grout dries *You can also use plaster of Paris