Step 1
BODY AND HEAD: (MAKE 2) Cast on 18 sts. Work 28 rows in st st beg with a k row. Row 29: [Ssk] 4 times, k2, [k2tog] 4 times. (10 sts) Row 30: P2tog, p to last 2 sts, p2tog tbl. (8 sts) Work 2 rows in st st beg with a k row. Row 33: K1, [m1 below] twice, k2, [m1 below] twice, k1. (12 sts) Row 34: Purl. Row 35: K1, [m1 below] twice, k6, [m1 below] twice, k1. (16 sts) Row 36: Purl. Row 37: K1, [m1 below], k12, [m1 below], k1. (18 sts) Work 13 rows in st st beg with a p row. Row 51: K1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. (16 sts) Row 52: Purl. Rep rows 51–52 once more. (14 sts) Row 55: K2, ssk, k6, k2tog, k2. (12 sts) Bind (cast) off pwise.
Step 2
ARMS: (MAKE 2) Cast on 10 sts. Work 28 rows in st st beg with a k row. Row 29: K5, m1, turn, p1, turn, k1, turn, p1, turn, k to end. (11 sts) Work 3 rows in st st beg with a p row. Row 33: K1, ssk, k5, k2tog, k1. (9 sts) Break yarn and thread it through rem sts.
Step 3
LEGS: (MAKE 2) Cast on 24 sts. Work 4 rows in st st beg with a k row. Row 5: K6, [ssk] 3 times, [k2tog] 3 times, k to end. (18 sts) Row 6: Purl. Row 7: K5, [ssk] twice, [k2tog] twice, k to end. (14 sts) Row 8: Purl. Row 9: K5, ssk, k2tog, k to end. (12 sts) Work 29 rows in st st beg with a p row. Bind (cast) off.
Step 4
TO MAKE UP DOLL: Join side and top seams of body and head pieces using mattress stitch. Stuff, shaping the doll as you go. Close lower seam using mattress stitch. Join sole of foot seam and back of leg seams using mattress stitch, leaving top ends open. Stuff and over sew legs to outside edges of lower body. Join hand and arm seams using mattress stitch, leaving top ends open. Stuff then over sew to sides of body about ½in (1.25cm) down from the thinnest part of the neck, with the arm seam facing the body with the thumb on the outside.
Step 5
Excerpted with permission from <a target="_blank" href="">Knit Your Own Dolls: Over 35 patterns for dolls and their outfits, accessories, and pets</a>.