Step 1

First cut the fabric to size. For a standard sized crib, use measurements 69″ x 44″. For a mini crib (like the one in our RV) cut the fleece 51″ x 37″. If your crib is a different size, measure the length and width and add 7″ to each. You can include any edging, selvedge or hem. The edges won’t be seen when the fleece sheet is wrapped around a crib mattress.
Step 2

Fold the fleece into quarters and cut a 7″ x 7″ square from the corner where all the layers of raw edges meet. Use these measurements regardless of what size crib sheet you are making.
Step 3

Next grab the two interior edges closest to each other where the 7″ x 7″ square was cut out. Put right sides together (if your fabric has a right side) and sew down the edge. I like to use a zigzag stitch because it tends to hold better than a straight stitch. Repeat this step for all four corners. A crib sheet gets tugged on quite a bit, so make sure each seam is secured before continuing. Sometimes I sew over the edge twice to be certain.
Step 4

It should look like a floppy box without a lid at this point. That’s my technical term.
Step 5

Now it’s time to add the elastic. Place the elastic on top of an outside edge on the wrong side of the fabric. It doesn’t matter which edge you start on, but you MUST USE A ZIGZAG STITCH. Capital letters means it’s important. Make a few stitches to hold the elastic in place, then pull the elastic toward you while continuing to sew WITH A ZIGZAG STITCH around the perimeter of the crib sheet. This pulling action in combination with the zigzag stitch is what allows the fabric to stretch. We want a tight fit to make sure baby is safe in his or her crib.