Meet Tamara Kelly, the creative mastermind behind knitting-and-crocheting blog Moogly. From caring for three children to designing her own patterns, Tamara is one busy woman. We talked about learning how to crochet and the language of knitting. Commence Tamara 101!

How did you learn how to knit and crochet?
When you were growing up, were knitting and crocheting a big part of your life?
"Boy I tell ya, I was an AMAZING finger knitter! So. Many. Tubes! Alas, that's as far as I was able to get before adulthood."
"I started crocheting in late 2001, and knitting in April of 2009! I've always been experimental with yarn - more likely to make something up than follow a pattern! But I shared my first, very simple pattern in 2008... and then finally got on the real designing train in 2011!"
Knitting or Crocheting? Do you prefer one over the other? If so, why?
"I think crochet is like my first "yarn
language" - the one my brain defaults to and thinks in. Knitting is like
a second, foreign language - I can speak and read it pretty well, but
it's not my native language. I enjoy them both, but I think I'll always
crochet more!
I'm still a lot slower at knitting, and
my skills are still at an intermediate level there for sure, but I do
enjoy them both! Crochet will always be my first love though."
Do you have any other passions outside of knitting, crocheting, and designing?
"I don't have time for much else
right now, besides taking care of my family! But I did learn how to
needlefelt earlier this year, and it was so much fun - I hope to
incorporate that into Moogly a little bit in the future too. Then I'll
have an excuse to play with it some more!"
Keep your eyes peeled for Part 2 of the Tamara Kelly interview in which we discuss her pattern inspiration and the making of Moogly.