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Since we have a lot of functionality on the site, we want to make sure you know everything we have to offer.
This is the page located at where you can find out about our latest posts, recently active members and links to stories on other sites we like. You can also get to anywhere else on the site starting from here.
To the right of the main picture on the home page you'll see a list of the biggest craft categories. There you can click to a category page and find out more about stories and members who are focused on a specific type of craft.
The Craft Map
Want to learn about markets, fairs and stores in your neck of the woods? The Craft Map features listings from around the United States (and eventually the world). You can also suggest a listing for us to add.
What is a crafts site without how-tos and free patterns? When you click on the "How-to" tab at the top of the page, you'll find posts filled with advice from world-renown authors and CraftFoxes bloggers. Once you've got the hang of things, we'd love for you to add your own how-to.
In the Projects section (also found from the top of your page) you'll discover ideas to keep you busy for quite awhile. Some of them are by professional crafters; others by folks who just have that creative knack.
Message Board
Haven't found the answer you need? Click on the word "Discuss" in the top blue nav and find out where you can ask a question (or leave an answer) for the rest of the CraftFoxes community to see. You can also suggest improvements to the site, etc.
My Profile
As soon as you sign up to be a fox you'll be asked to create a profile. Your profile will tell other members a little bit about you and your favorite hobbies so that other foxes can find what they have in common with you. The profile section also makes it possible for you to receive messages from other members, upload photos into a photo gallery, project or how-to you want to share. You can also save links to articles you like around the site and the World Wide Web so that you can compile a list you can come back to time and time again.