Pinterest is where many crafters go for inspiration, but sometimes it's hard to find the diamonds in the rough. Still, many crafts have been able to stand the test of time, gaining tens of thousands of likes and repins. We were interested to find out which crafting and DIY pins have been the most popular on Pinterest, so we checked out the stats at Repinly. We think you'll be surprised at some of the favorite crafting and DIY pins out there!

Emphasis Added shares the melted crayons how-to for this popular pin.

They're cute and cuddly, and available for a few months out of the year. These springtime marshmallow peeps make a stunning centerpiece. And 47,503 repinners agree.
Get the Peeps vase how-to from 24/7 Moms.
Among popular Pinterest posts are these individual servings of cake. Just take two cake mixes (one of them angel food), mix together in a storage bag or canister and melt into a mug or warm water for your perfectly portioned, single-serve cake.
The Hidden Pantry shares more on this coveted Pinterest recipe!

Vinegar plus Dawn soap makes a powerful potion, and over one million people have since added this to their Pinterest boards. This cleaning product melts soap scum, cleans sinks and appliances and, well, just about anything.
Get the cleaner how-to from

There's no how-to, but we bet you are crafty enough to figure out how to recreate this father-son handprint craft that's been blowing up Pinterest boards. With 36,783 repins, it's sure to warm many hearts.
See the original handprint craft over at pruébame blogger.

Although not a tutorial, this storage product has inspired many pinners to take notice. In fact, at the initial publication of this post, 34,430 people had repinned this photo in hopes of taking an old IKEA shelf and attaching a full-length mirror and turntable for a storage revamp.

DIY Wed Central gives the full tutorial.
CraftFoxes on Pinterest
Follow CraftFoxes on Pinterest to see what we've been pinning. What have you found most Pinteresting lately?
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