Look for inspiration from the most influential DIY and craft pinners on Pinterest
On every social networking site you’ll find what might be called "power users." These are the folks who have the largest number of followers on the site and often post at above average rates. These people might be used to represent the site and what it might be used for. On Pinterest, many of these power users have over one million followers and have pinned several thousand items. Let’s take a look at some of the crafts, DIY, home decor and style power users on Pinterest. If you're looking for inspiration, these are the folks you can count on to find something Pinteresting.

An interior designer at K.I.D. Studio, Casey Keasler has over a million followers on Pinterest and has pinned nearly 5,000 pieces. She has organized her pins according to their subject, so her page is easy to navigate and it’s simple to find what you’re looking for. Casey’s page offers inspiration for designing your house, cooking and for dressing fashionably.
To see more from Casey Keasler, visit her Pinterest page

With over a million followers, Kimberly runs a Pinterest page titled "eatsleepwear." She’s a graphic designer, fashion blogger and a self-professed "cupcake enthusiast." On her Pinterest page, Kimberly has lots of gorgeous pins that will inspire fellow users in the areas of beauty, fashion, organization and travel. Kimberly also has several pins under the umbrella of "Foodie" with many delectable recipes and a category called "eat.sleep.wear" which includes selections from her blog of the same name.
For more pins from Kimberly, visit her Pinterest page

With over two million followers, this freelance interiors writer has his boards splashed with color at every turn. His love of color bleeds into interior design, fashion (for both him and her), paper goods, advertising and typography. Bright Bazaar, also known as Will, runs a blog of the same name that is as colorful as can be. Will has plenty of pins on his page, but if you’re looking for more, definitely check out his blog.
To see more from Bright Bazaar, visit his Pinterest page

Bekka Palmer has nearly seven and a half million followers and she’s a designer, food lover and proud Brooklynite. Her boards range from crafty inspiration to interior design for your office, to pet pictures and workout clothes, which are posted on her creatively named "sporty spice" board. Bekka also has a blog where she posts photography, quotes and anything else that catches her eye.
For more of Bekka Palmer’s pins, visit her Pinterest page

A textiles designer from Georgia, Rashida Coleman-Hale also has over a million followers who love her posts and she has added almost 3,000 items to her Pinterest board. Rashida has eclectic tastes, posting items that have to do with linen, books, fabrics, illustrating, sewing and more. She has categories on her Pinterest board for organization, hair inspiration, cameras, different kinds of fabric and even popular Internet memes.
For more pins from Rashida Coleman-Hale, visit her Pinterest page

Joy Cho is a designer and food enthusiast who blogs at her own sleek and pretty site, which carries the same name as her Pinterest board: Oh Joy! Joy’s followers reach the eleven million mark and she’s contributed almost 8,000 pins to her site. These posts include fashion for babies, interesting architecture, graphic design, stationery and more. It’s easy to see why Joy has so many followers — her fashion sense is intoxicating and inspirational!
To see more of Joy’s pins, visit her Pinterest page

Erin Loechner has nearly a million followers and is the founder of Design for Mankind as well as Design for MiniKind. These blogs display awesome art, design aspects, style and photography that Erin finds in the wilds of the Internet. On her Pinterest page, Erin posts about art, trinkets, details to add to your wardrobe and holiday gift guides. Erin has an infectious style and pins lots of different items that are sure to inspire her followers.
To see more from Erin Loechner, visit her Pinterest page
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For any questions about this article you can leave a question in the comment or email info@craftfoxes.com.