Have fun creating these board games to keep the little ones busy at home — designed by moms, for moms!

Nick Jr.
Mystery Card Guessing Game
Our friends at Nick Jr. have lots of great ideas for crafts and board games based on your kids' favorite Nick Jr. shows. Click here for directions and a free template download to make a fun guessing game with a variety of Nick Jr. characters, and click here for the Paw Patrol version.
Niccola Drake
Paint-Stamped Checker Board
Niccola Drake came up with a cute way to paint-stamp a checkerboard with a kitchen sponge, and her family made the checker pieces with milk and juice jug caps — way to upcycle!

Nick Jr.
Dora Rocks! Board Game
In this game, players roll the dice to move Dora the Explorer and her friends around the board, across their own color-coded bridge and into the barn. Click here for directions and templates.

Treasure Hunt Map Game
Teach your kids how to read a map by creating a simple floor plan of your home and hiding treasures in different rooms. Mark where the treasures are on the map and send them off to hunt.

Get to the Farmhouse Board Game
Let your kids' imagination run wild as you create a path to the farmhouse, complete with pitfalls and prizes along the way. Visit the One Crafty Mumma blog for details.

Fabric Memory Board Game
Learn how to make this "Concentration" style board game with fabric scraps and favorite photos.