A peek inside the new book by Steff Deschenes - "Eat the Year."
After taking a selfie at dinner every night for two years, I thought eating the national food holidays would be piece of cake. After all, I was entirely used to documenting myself with food. All I needed to do was research what every day of the year was, write a blog post for every day, find a recipe to make (or line up a restaurant that had what I needed) every day, and take a photo every day. Y’know, on top of continuing to take my nightly dinner photo (a project that only ended after five consecutive years this past New Year’s Eve), hold down my then extremely boring office job, maintain relationships, and juggle all those other important adult responsibilities.

November 1: National Vinegar Day

July 31: National Jump for Jellybeans Day

September 13: National Snack a Pickle Day
And, finally I learned that you can’t please 100% of the people 100% of the time. “Well, you didn’t really celebrate International Bacon Day if you used tempeh, did you?” The number of times I was accused of “not really celebrating” by people (who I thought were accepting and open-minded) because I’m a vegetarian was staggering. That’s when I realized the true value of inclusivity over exclusivity. What does it matter if your bacon is different than my bacon? The point is we’re celebrating something together.

July 4: National Sidewalk Egg Frying Day
It’s also a beautiful way to capture your life (which, let’s face it, goes by incomprehensibly fast) in a unique way. And, really, who cares if you’re not the first to celebrate the food holidays (or take a nightly dinner selfie or capture one second a day on video)? However you do what you do will inevitably be different than how I or anyone else do what we do. And that’s cause for celebration!

Deschenes, author of Eat the Year, is a food blogger and event planner living in Portland, Maine, with her
mini-rex rabbit, Boone.
She’s currently eating her way through her next
adventure, Eat The State, on her blog Almanac of Eats. You can follow
her antics on Twitter here.
Eat the Year is published by Running Press.