8 playful, clever and unexpected DIY wreaths
Knowing how to make a wreath may appear like an outdated skill, something more akin to a Dickensian Christmas tale where figgy pudding and corrupt uncles adorn the scene. But these days, DIY wreaths are leaping with modern designs like the unique succulent garden project wreath from Simple Details or even a summer-inspired wreath via Family Chic, which uses a bevy of drink ‘brellies for a playful twist on the traditional home decor. Learn how to make a wreath look rustic, playful and even irreverent with our collection of unexpected wreaths.

For a unique spring and summer decoration, this wreath includes succulents, desert plants that often need little water and even less sunshine. Thus, the plants serve as great under-the-porch door decor. Consider using monograms or numbers instead of the traditional “O” for your foundation ring.
...Love Maegen shares how to make a wreath using succulents.

A Styrofoam ring serves as the base for this fabric DIY wreath, made from various shades of felt cut into circles and then rumpled into triangles. The triangles are then pinned to the wreath. This easy craft is mildly time intensive, depending upon the size of your foundation ring, but this repetition is fairly mindless and thus great to do during a TV marathon. To save money, consider using scraps of felted sweaters or blankets salvaged from a thrift store.
Holee Molee Hostess shares how to make a wreath using felt. Or, try out our how-to, excerpted from "The Sweater Chop Shop," which uses sweaters to make a unique holiday wreath.

Felted balls are capped with actual acorn toppers for a clever wreath detail. Steal the idea of needle-felting decor for other seasons, including red poppies in the spring, berry garlands in winter and strawberries and cherries in the fall.
Oh Montreal shares more about her fall-inspired wreath.

An embroidery hoop supports a double rainbow of Crayons. Whether its office supplies, kitchen utensils or knitting needles, wreaths can be made from almost anything. Your only limitations are the amount of weight that hot glue or floral wire can handle.
Learn how to make a wreath with Crayons from Tiny Prints.

Burlap becomes a stylish wreath in this unique fall decor. Wrapped around a Styrofoam ring and then hot-glued, the material is also used to make rustic flowers secured with buttons covered in a poppy fabric print.
Craftaholics Anonymous shares how she made this unique burlap fall wreath.

Loops of ribbon create a playful take on traditional wreaths and can be customized for the season by simply using different colors and prints. This wreath uses candy apple green and sugar plum pink ribbons, which are glued to a flat foundation. Add glitter letters like “Boo” for Halloween or “Love” for Valentine’s Day.
Learn more about this unique ribbon wreath from She’s Kinda Crafty.

Dried grapevines serve as the base for this rustic wreath. To make your own wood wreath, grab one from your local craft store or simply have the kids scavenge for foot-long branches from the backyard. Soak the twigs in water overnight so that you can bend the wood without risking them snapping, and then gather hunks into a circle with floral twine, overlapping the twigs to create a full look. Decorate with simple objects from the store or even dried fauna from the yard.
Learn more about this DIY wreath from Craftaphile.

Book pages, for example, can be another unique material when making a wreath. A popular trend for several years now, book pages from dictionaries, novels or a brightly-colored atlas can be rumpled or even folded into circular fans as shown with this DIY wreath. Medallions with a gold button are glued to a cardboard base for a simple wreath.
Like this wreath? Head to Design, Dining and Diapers for more.
Image credits (from top): ...Love Maegen, ...Love Maegen, Holee Molee Hostess, Tiny Prints, Oh Montreal, Craftaholics Anonymous, She's Kinda Crafty, Craftaphile and Design, Dining and Diapers