A profile of the blogger Katy Cameron, from The Littlest Thistle

This week we feature Katy Cameron, who is a blogger over at The Littlest Thistle — which may be in the running for the cutest blog name on the internet. Katy started off as a creator of stuffed bears, but she has since branched out into other crafting projects. On her website, Katy describes herself as a teddy bear artist, jeweller, craftswoman and photographer. She features some really fun and creative crafts on her site. We asked Katy some questions and here’s what she had to say.
Can you tell us a little bit about your blog and when you started it?
I started the blog for my bear making, as it had been suggested by a fellow bear-maker that showing you were making progress on a bear would be nice for your customers given how long it takes to "bearth" one! As I moved into other sewing ventures, my blog moved along with me, although bears still occasionally make an appearance. These days I try and post daily about my adventures in sewing, blog hops I may be taking part in, and every Thursday whatever weird and wonderful things I can dig up for "Random Thursday," hosted by my friend Cindy.
What is one of your favorite projects you've ever made?
My favorite project, my Retro Flowers quilt, wasn't just made by me, but by the wonderful ladies of Brit Bee, and guest bee for my round, Cindy. My fellow Brit Bee-er, Trudi, did some absolutely awesome quilting on it, which finished it off perfectly, and I bound it in the middle of the night in London at the Fat Quarterly Retreat so that it could spend the next month at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in my friend Jo's shop. At the end of the festival I was delighted to discover that it had been voted the people's favorite too.
Where do you find inspiration for your creative projects?
In all kinds of random places, including billboards, and graffiti on the way to work, magazine adverts, books and shop windows. One project I have in the works right now was inspired by a tea towel!
When I'm not crafting, I can be found . . .
Climbing the walls... Hyperactivity aside, I do enjoy climbing. I also love cooking, photography and travelling.
If you were to be cast on a reality TV show, which one would you choose and why?
Australian Masterchef, but as a judge rather than a contestant. The Aussie version of this originally British program is much better than our own one, and as it lasts a lot longer, I'd be getting fabulous food every day for months!