In honor of Public Service Day today, we'd like to share some wonderful ways to craft up something special for someone in need. Each year on June 23rd, the United Nations celebrates the value and virtue of public service to our community — this year's awards ceremony is taking place in Colombia. But even if you don't work in the public sector, you can still give of your time and talent to benefit your community. Learn more about these organizations and charitable efforts you can contribute to.
Join a local
Head Huggers group to knit, crochet or sew cute chemo caps for hospitals to give to local cancer patients. If you don't have a group in your area, now's a great time to start one!
Knit Wits Club - Hamline University
Warm Up America began in 1991 in a small Wisconsin town with people knitting and crocheting afghans for neighbors in need. Founder Evie Rosen soon came up with the idea of having each volunteers knit or crochet a small section and then other people can join them together — a true community project!
American Patchwork & Quilting is about two-thirds of the way to hitting their goal of getting a million pillowcases sewn and donated to their followers' favorite charities.
Click here to learn how you can stitch up some love this year!
With chapters in all 50 states,
Project Linus collects handmade blankets and quilts and distributes them to children in hospitals, shelters, social service agencies, or anywhere that a child might be in need of a big, warm hug.
Knit-a-Square project was started by a family in 2008 and is now a worldwide community with an estimated 12,000 people in 54 countries participating. Together they work hard to help keep so many orphans of South Africa warm.