Glove Monsters
Take those lonely, mismatched winter gloves and turn them into fun-filled companions. Craftaholics Anonymous displays how to create these monstrously adorable minions.

Plastic Bottle Piggy Bank
Kids will need a place to keep their earnings from running lemonade stands and cutting the neighbors grass — this piggy bank made from recycled plastic bottles is the perfect place. Check out the how-to instructions from CraftFox contributer Tony Smith.

Egg Carton Flower Bouquet
Kids will love brightening up rooms around the house with flowers of their own design. Mod Podge Rocks provides colorful instructions on how to create these pieces of art.

Lava Lamps
Imagine the look of delight on your kids' face once they are done making a lava lamp with their own hands. S.L. Smith Photography has instructions on how to make these lamps.

Bows & Arrows
Ignite the little hunter inside your kids with these bows and arrows posted by CraftFoxes.

Robot Costume
Boxes hold endless possibilities for imaginative children. This robot costume posted by CraftFoxes taps into the kids' summer sci-fi fantasies.

Crayon Candle
Combine fun and science with this colorful crayon candle from And Chaos Ensued. Allowing kids to make their own candle, and learn about solar heat is a win-win situation.

No Bake Peanut Butter Cups
By the time the kids are done making all of these crafts, they will have worked up an appetite. These simple no-bake peanut butter cups from CraftFoxes contributor Johannah are snacks that won't keep the hungry little ones waiting.

Washi Tape Chore Chart
In the midst of summer activities, chores can get lost in the shuffle. Help your kids keep up with these chore charts by Simply Kierste.

Banana Pops
These banana pops from Modern Parents, Messy Kids are a healthy, energizing snack to keep your little creators on the go all day.