Mason jar crafts have gathered quite a repertoire. From hanging planters to quick mug cake desserts, Mason jar creations are versatile and stylish. We've gathered the 10 best Mason jar crafts from around the Web to get these beautiful jars out of storage into your everyday crafty life.

Mason jars are made into herb planters, secured with painted pipe clamps and attached to a weathered board. Chalkboard paint labels identify each herb. Be sure to add stones to the bottom of the jars to help with drainage so the roots aren’t sitting in water and rotting.
Zero Waste Family shares how to make this Mason jar craft.

A grommet and straw turn the canning supply basic into a to-go cup that’s both crafty and customizable. If you're having a party, make specialty drinks and allow scrapbook paper that fits on top of the Mason jar band to designate certain flavors. If making hot drinks like cocoa or coffee, make this crochet cozy to protect fingers.
Fine and Feathered offers this free Mason jar craft tutorial.

Painted Mason jars labeled with chalkboard decals serve as unique activity for kids. Certain tasks are written on the back of popsicle sticks listing chores, exercises or games. Washi tape on the front adds crafty color. and exercise popsicle sticks are pulled daily and games are selected twice a week. For those who want to don't have time for handpainting, the options for activities like this are endless with custom mason jars.
Learn more about how to make this Mason jar craft via Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom.

Hanging Mason jars is a common trend in the craft world. Whether they hold succulents and serve as a planter or candles to become luminaries, a hanging Mason jar craft is simple yet stylish. This tutorial gets our vote as being one of the best Mason jar crafts because it uses only a little twisted wire to complete. If you're looking for more detail, consider crocheting a hanger.
Domestically Speaking shares more on how to make this Mason jar craft. Customize your terrarium by adding a Star Wars theme as shown in this how-to via CraftFoxes.

Mug cakes made in a Mason jar show off baked goods better than coffee mugs. This recipe, for example, shows off the bright berries of the cobbler and, even better, needs only 5 minutes to make from start to finish. Make this recipe ahead and keep in the freezer and then pull out when you need a sweet treat.
Learn how to make this Mason jar craft via Domestic Fits.

The lids of Mason jars can serve as unique frames for photos or fabric. A splash of spray paint on the bands adds color. Make a collection of frames, painted in the same color or in complementary colors, and hang in an empty corner of the wall.
Learn how to make this Mason jar craft via CraftFoxes.

While candles have been crafted into Mason jars for a while, these summertime floating candles add something new when rosemary sprigs and lemon slices are layered. Citronella oil is added to the water to keep away unwanted pests. Customize this Mason jar craft by using seasonal fruits and herbs like cranberries and sage in the fall or cinnamon sticks and grapefruit in the winter.
Nest of Posies shares how to make this Mason jar craft.

This practical Mason jar craft uses sandpaper glued to the lid while holding strike-anywhere matches for an easy organizer. Customize this craft by gluing the sandpaper to a hard surface that can fit inside the jar, for a waterproof alternative.
The Burlap Bag shares how to make this Mason jar craft.

Adding a tint of color to Mason jars is a popular trend around the web. Whether you paint, tint or frost the jars, the craft offers lots of customization. This tutorial uses frosting spray paint and a decal and finishes in just a few minutes.
The Hobby Room Diaries teaches how to make this Mason jar craft.

Though it’s been around for a while, this Mason jar craft is still just as adorable. Supplies are held in the glass while the top acts as a pincushion. Use this idea for travel kits for kids, filling the jars with stickers, crayons and small slips of rolled paper.
Wait 'Til Your Father Gets Home shares more about this Mason jar craft.
Image credits (from top): The Hobby Room Diaries, Camille Styles, Fine and Feathered, Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom, Domestically Speaking, Domestic Fits, Melissa Averinos, Nest of Posies, The Burlap Bag, The Hobby Room Diaries and Wait 'Til Your Father Gets Home