Stitch this square design and finish as a framed piece of art, a pillow, or the focal point of a quilted wall hanging. The simple design is repeated diagonally on all four corners with a central motif, but you can also use the motifs individually for even more versatility. Feel free to substitute French knots for the beads, if desired.
- 16 x 16-inch piece of white plainweave broadcloth
or other densely woven fabric
- DMC 6-strand embroidery floss in colors 3828 Hazelnut Brown, 3852 Very Dark Straw, 471 Very Light Avocado Green, 469 Avocado Green, 740
Tangerine, and 720 Dark Orange Spice
- Size 10 embroidery needle
- Size 11/0 glass seed beads, orange
- Beading needle
Pumpkins on the Square (Free Embroidery Pattern)
Step 1

Transfer the design onto the fabric using the water-soluble fabric marking pen, centering the design on the fabric. If you have difficulty seeing the pattern through the fabric, use a light box or trace the design by holding the fabric and pattern up to a window.
Step 3
Work the lines in backstitch. The tiny little leaves are worked in detached chain stitch and the shading on the pumpkins is worked in straight stitch.
Step 4
Stitch a seed bead where indicated by a small dot on the pattern, using a beading needle and a single strand of the lighter orange floss.
Step 5

This project is excerpted with permission from "Simply Samplers: Easy Techniques for Hand Embroidery" by Cheryl Fall (Stackpole Books).