Playing with paper can be wildly creative. In this tutorial, paper beads are created by playing with texture and pattern. But if you don't feel like whipping out the markers, you could use metallic paper for a little shine, left over wrapping paper, your kids homework... really, the possibilities are endless.
Using this simple formula of cut, roll and paste, beads will soon be strewn around your workspace, ready to be strung.
Let us know what you come up with, and show off your paper play!
Image copyright: Flickr / teresa-stanton
Making Paper Beads
Step 1

Trace or create templates for your beads, using the shapes you see here. Draw a lot of colorful patterns on them, or keep them black and white.
Step 3
Take one of the paper strips and dab some glue on one side, leaving a little section at the widest end without glue.
Step 4
Place a pencil or kebab skewer at the wide, glue-free end. Start rolling the paper around your pencil or kebab skewer, making sure the paper stays snug.
Step 5
Continue rolling until you reach the end. Add a little glue to the paper you are about to roll to make sure it stays in place.
Step 6
Let dry and start the rolling process with the next paper strip.
Step 7
If you want your beads to have a glossy finish, cover the outside of each finished bead with some white glue. This will also protect your beads.
Step 8
Once the beads are totally dry (it might take overnight for them to dry fully), the beads are ready for your use.
Step 9

This project is excerpted with permission from "Paper Play" © 2013 by Lydia Crook and published by Running Press, a member of the Perseus Books Group.