The ultimate portable craft, this tutorial instructs you how to finger knit. This is a great way to make cool scarves, bracelets and headbands. No equipment is needed except your fingers and some wool. By using more than one strand of wool at a time you can make a thick multi-colored rope. You can also knit your strands together to make your scarf even chunkier.
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Wool yarn
Finger Knitting Tutorial
Step 1

Tie anywhere between one and four pieces of yarn around your left-hand thumb and, holding your hand up with your palm towards you, weave it loosely in front of your first finger, behind the next, in front of the next, around your little finger and back to thumb. Now take the yarn across all your fingers so it lies just above the first layer of loops. Leave the thumb alone. It just acts as the anchor.
Step 2

Using your right hand, grab the first loop of wool on your first finger and take it over the wool that’s lying just above it and right over your finger. Do the same with the wool loops on the other three fingers.
Step 3

Take the yarn all the way around the back of your fingers and over the front again. Repeat steps 2 and 3 about ten times.
Step 4

Now take the wool off your thumb and pull gently down at the back. You can see the knitted tube beginning to form. Just keep repeating steps two and three until it is as long as you want.
Step 5

Cut off the yarn leaving a tail about 8 inches (20cm) long. Thread the tail through each stitch in turn, starting with the little finger and slipping them off as you go.
Step 6

This tutorial is excerpted with permission from "Boycraft: Loads of Things to Make For and With Boys (and Girls)" by Sara Duchars and published by Frances Lincoln.