Learn how to make a DIY light box to help photograph your crafts. This box will make your images looks brighter and can eliminate shadows all around for photos that really pop.
Tools and Materials:
- Medium-size cardboard box (approximately 24" × 24" × 24"
[61cm x 61cm x 61cm])
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Box cutter
- White tissue paper
- Masking tape
- Plain white paper (copy paper
will suffice)
DIY Light Box for Photography
Step 1
First, cut the flaps off the top of the box. Then measure and mark off a large square (or rectangle, if your box isn’t a perfect cube) on each of two opposite sides of the box, leaving a one-inch border along all four edges.
Step 2
Cut out the two squares.
Step 3
Now cut two pieces of tissue paper into squares half an inch wider and longer than the square holes you cut.
Step 4
Tape the tissue-paper squares over the holes, trimming off excess if necessary. Line the whole interior of the box except for the tissue paper–covered holes with the white paper, carefully taping it in place.
Step 5
Your light box is now ready to use! Set it under or near a window or use it outside in sunlight. You can also use the light box inside with an artificial light source.
Step 6

This DIY lightbox how-to is excerpted with permission from "Handmade to Sell: Hello Craft's Guide to Owning, Running, and Growing Your Crafty Biz" by Kelly Rand and published by Potter Craft.
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