How many juice boxes does your kid go through in a day? Why not put them to good use and get creative making a Juice Box Owl to keep them busy for a few moments this summer. Grandma is sure to love the end product.
Here's what you need:
- 1 juice box, emptied and cleaned
- One 12x12-inch piece of patterned craft paper
- Clear tape
- Wool felt (available from
- Scissors
- Pumpkin seeds (about 50)
- Tacky glue
- 2 cotton balls
- 1 basket coffee filter
- Yellow watercolor paint
- Paintbrush
- 2 wooden beads
Juice Box Owl Craft for Kids
Step 1
Wrap the juice box in the patterned craft paper like you would a present. Tape to seal.
Step 2
Cut two wing shapes from the felt. Each wing should be as tall as the box, with the top, straight edge 1⁄2 inch wider than the side of the box, and the center of the wing 3 inches wide.
Step 3

To create a feather pattern, glue pumpkin seeds on the wings and let the glue set. Depending on the height of your box, you’ll need about sixteen seeds per wing.
Step 4
To give shape to the wings, glue a cotton ball on both topside edges of the box, and glue the wings on top of them.
Step 5
To create the eyes, paint the coffee filter with the watercolor paint. Just give it a light, washy coat and let it dry.
Step 6
Cut a 1"-wide ring from the ruffled edge of the coffee filter and then cut it in half. Bunch up the strip to create a rosette shape, twist the back half into a short stem, and wrap tape around the back to secure. Repeat with the other half of the ring.
Step 7
To create the eyes, glue five or six pumpkin seeds in a circle on each filter rosette, and then glue a bead in the center. Glue the rosettes side by side to the top of the box.
Step 8
Glue a pumpkin seed in between the rosettes as the nose, and two on the bottom of the wrapped juice box as the feet.
Step 9

Excerpted with permission from "Project Kid" by Amanda Kingloff (Artisan Books). Copyright © 2014. Photographs by Alexandra Grablewski.