The turning leaves are turning our minds toward fabulous sewing and needlework crafts! Join us Thursday, September 20th, from 7-8 pm EST to get inspired by favorite fall-inspired patterns, projects and pictures, using the hashtag #CFSew!

Top Prize:
- A large box of premium fabric from Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores
Other Prizes:
- 2 winners will receive 1 pattern of their choice from Sis Boom
- 1 winner will receive a copy of Jennifer Paganelli's book, Girls World Book: Twenty-One Sewing Projects to Make for Little Girls
- 1 winner will receive a 2 yards of Happy Land fabric, designed by Jennifer Paganelli
- Sewing for Boys: 24 Projects to Create a Handmade Wardrobe by Karen LePage & Shelly Figueroa of Figgy's

The following sewing aficionados will be joining us for the chat, so be sure to follow them to get all of their ideas and insights.
- Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores at @JoAnnStores
- Jennifer Paganelli of Sis Boom at @SisBoom
- Figgy's Patterns at @figgys
- Pellon Projects at @PellonProjects
- Sewn Studio at @SewnStudio
Feel free to let us know you're coming by including a comment below in the comments, but you don't have to RSVP to be eligible. Anyone who participates in the chat and lives within the continental United States is eligible to win.
Thanks so much to everyone who joined us for our second CraftFoxes' Twitter party!
We had a blast chatting about all things sewing with special guests @SisBoom, @JoAnn_Stores, @Figgys, @PellonProjects and @SewnStudio, and congrats to our winners @ThatMoxieGirl, @AngelaBDotMe, @JenCrutch, @MichelleGuindon, @mala_panda and @SusanTLawerence.
Favorite Tweet of the Night:
Q4: How do you handle your fabric stash? RT @CasaKelley: @craftfoxes I don't it handles me #cfsew
Join us every third Thursday for a crafting-inspired Tweet chat. October 18th at 7 pm EST, we will be discussing last-minute Halloween crafts and costumes.