It's the Printable of the Thing!
Printables, those paper-based creations ranging from holiday banners to recipe cards and gift boxes, create easy holiday charm without sacrificing any of the handmade style we all love. Fortunately, during this holiday season, free artwork abounds! This festive fireplace banner, for example, comes from the trendy At Second Street and uses olive green ribbon and some precise scissoring to create quick and thrifty cheer that anyone can make.
For this and more free artwork like napkin rings, gift tags and Christmas cards, head to StyleList Home!Printables, those paper-based creations ranging from holiday banners to recipe cards and gift boxes, create easy holiday charm without sacrificing any of the handmade style we all love. Fortunately, during this holiday season, free artwork abounds! This festive fireplace banner, for example, comes from the trendy At Second Street and uses olive green ribbon and some precise scissoring to create quick and thrifty cheer that anyone can make.