Any time of year is the perfect time to start a new scrapbook or journal. But like so many of our other creative pursuits, it’s easy to lose track of your journaling efforts within a few weeks. To keep your creativity flowing, try using some of these prompts for both writing and art.
13 Everyday Journaling PromptsThis short list from
Ali Edwards is full of easy prompts that focus on what’s happened to you today or even right now. They’re perfect to use on any day you’re struggling to come up with something to get your writing or drawing started.
Art Journal Every Day - A Weekly Plan The Art Journal Every Day project from
Balzer Designs has a multitude of resources to keep an art journal throughout the whole year. One of my favorite tools is
the weekly plan which breaks down ideas for each day of the week based on what mood you’re in — painty, wordy, collage-ish, scrapbook-ish or doodler.
16 Art Journal Prompts for Music Lovers is full of tutorials and prompts.
One creative prompt is based off of what music you’re listening to. It’s a great chance to listen to something you haven’t heard in a while or find some new music to enjoy.
Keep a Five Year Journal
Although it seems like a huge project, the
Five Year Journal project from
Get It Scrapped is pretty simple: every day for five years you write down one line answering the same question each year on that day. So for January 1st, you write down what your goal for the year is, and you can see how your goals change from year to year! Tami Taylor provides
prompts for every day of the year, or you can come up with one of your own.
50 Art Journal PromptsIf you’re struggling to come up with ideas for a drawing in your art journal, you can try one of these
50 prompts from April at Blacksburg Belle. These prompts are great for relaxing and drawing without having to think too hard about it.
27 Travel Writing Journal Prompts
If you’re planning on traveling this year and are looking for a way to remember the trip beyond Facebook photo albums, try keeping a journal along the way with
these writing prompts. Don’t forget to keep photos and mementos tucked between the pages.
Prompt60 is an ongoing series of prompts created by Tammy of
Daisy Yellow, a great website for art journaling resources. These prompts started in January 1st, 2015, and run for the next 60 days, but you can start them anytime and take as much time as you need.