You know the nursery has become a toddler's room when there are more toys on the floor than anything else. And with birthdays and holidays and generous grandparents, these toys seem to multiply by the day, making it increasingly difficult to find places to manage the growing toy avalanche. So we've put together this list of creative storage solutions to help tame the toy tide and uncover precious floor space.

While it's not a revolutionary toy storage solution, this gorgeous toy chest was a DIY project. With no lid, little ones won't smash their fingers, and older children can't use it as a holding cell for younger siblings. The dimensions allow for a large load of differently sized toys, and it's easy for kids to clean up after themselves with this catchall toy storage solution.
See the blueprints of this crafty storage idea for kids from Ana White.

Portable seating is nice in any room, but especially a toddler's room. This DIY beanbag chair is easily customizable in fabric (especially water- and stain-resistant fabric), color, stuffing and size. As a storage solution idea, replace one of the seams with a zipper and use the bag to hold stuffed animals to make a lumpy but comfy seat.
For the toddler beanbag chair tutorial, visit Making It Fun.

This crafty storage idea takes games out of the box and features them as colorful and playful artwork on your child’s wall. The board is surrounded by a solid black wood frame while the game pieces are stored in a plastic bag secured behind the board. And instead of piles of boxes crammed into the back of a closet somewhere, games are showcased prominently where they won’t be forgotten on rainy days.
For more information on the storage idea, visit Infarrantly Creative.

If there is one space that is usually forgotten or ruled out when considering toy storage, it's the ceiling. This ingenious pulley storage system is not only a lot of fun to operate, it's also pretty, with colorful baskets containing cute stuffed animals watching over your child. It's best used in a room with high ceilings or in corners where adults are not in danger of bumping their heads on Fluffy's floating vessel.
For a detailed schematic of this pulley system, visit Cree ma Maison. The site is in French, but the idea is communicated through detailed drawings.

Toy storage solutions are perhaps most necessary for those toys that can ruin your day if stepped on, like little building blocks and small action figures. For these kinds of toys, this toy sack is perfect! A bag that has a window makes labeling unnecessary, so you can switch up the contents as often as you want. Can you imagine three or four in complementary colors lined up next to each other on a shelf or in cubbies? Perfection.
Make this crafty storage idea for kids using the instructions from Make It Perfect.

Get photos out of frames and put them where they won't be knocked over. These decoupage wooden letters make a fun craft for kids and parents to make together, and the end result is a great crafty storage idea for memories. Choose a child's initials or spell out a word like "Family" if you're feeling ambitious.
Learn more at this CraftFoxes how-to.
Photo Credits (from top): Ana White, Making It Fun, Infarrantly Creative, Cree Ma Maison, Make It Perfect
